To continue the programs I have developed during my sabbatical, I need money. I want to start the after school programs earlier, buy more materials, involve more high school tutors. The school district I work has been trying to work things around so that there is more money for me to carry on the programs I have designed and nurtured these past 5 months, but in this economy, money is hard to find. So, I am looking beyond the school department. The program I am using for much of the instruction, Project M3, was developed by a professor at the University of Connecticut. In a phone call with her, she told me that her program was underwritten by Traveler's Insurance. Hmmmm.....Liberty Mutual here I come :) Beyond the money, and maybe more importantly, I have a key person in both of the other elementary schools who are excited about the programs. I can see it all come to be :) The future is bright...where are those sunglasses!
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