Monday, February 2, 2009

Day 8

So, this is the beginning of the 8th day of my sabbatical. One thing I enjoy about blogging about my sabbatical is that is helps me reflect on each and every day. My friend who is on a long-term sabbatical to write a book tells me that the time, and it's been a year and a half for her, has flown by. I think I need to remember the goals: create a better after school program, start up the tutoring program, assist teachers if they are wanting cosultation, develop a website. I have made headway on every one of those goals.

I had another school indicate some interest in having me work with their gifted math students. Before I get the tutors in place, I will do that to get to know the students and to develop their AMP plan. I need to look at their current testing, maybe test them with something like KEY math and then develop a plan. I'll call her today and make an appointment.

Day 8 off and running :)


  1. Keep it up, honey! And get to the gym!

    Fun reading the progress of your day-to-day life...take more snaps and post them! You are very good at picture taking!


  2. Thanks for your support! Love you so much :)
